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Hello Fans, Friends, and New Comers! 

I just want to say that I am so very grateful for all of you guys! At the time this is being written, we don't even have ten YouTube subscribers yet! But that doesn't mean I'm not grateful! We're hoping that this website can get us more publicity, but if it doesn't, oh well! The point is that no matter what, we will always be grateful for our fans! Our goal is to be positive and have fun! That's what JayLo and Ruby Stone Gaming is all about, right?


I'm sorry that we don't post too much. We just have so many other things going on in our lives that we can't upload every day. That doesn't mean we don't care about the channel! I love our channel, and as of the time I'm writing this, we're actually planning on a video right now! I wish we could upload more often, but with school and activities, we just don't have much time. We're hoping to post more often in the future and I hope you understand.

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