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How our Website Works (Computer)

(Originally written November 22, 2020) DISCLAIMER: The link in this post's picture is NOT our website link! DON'T use it. The real link is If you're reading this post, you're probably on JayLo and Ruby Stone Gaming's official website! In this post, you will learn all about how the website works! How to access certain things, what the posts are about, all you need to know about this website!


How to access our posts: On the menu bar, there's a button that says "posts" on it. Just press it and now you have access to all of our posts! You can also sort them by category if you want!

The "About" Tab

In between the Home button and the Posts button, there's an About button. If you click it, you'll see a picture and a paragraph explaining how grateful I am for my subscribers and explaining how I can't upload every day.

Social Links

Next to the Posts button should be a few social media icons, such as YouTube and Instagram. These icons have links attached to them, it's easy access to get to our social medias. (We don't use our Instagram account much, we created it mainly for this website)

Side Columns

If you scroll down on the home page, next to the column of posts, you'll see a column of other random things, like our latest Instagram pictures and a Story Time section. This column is just for random, fun things on the website.

Suggestion and Question Bar

If you scroll all the way down on any page, you'll see a heading that says, "Drop your video suggestions and questions below!" Then you'll see 4 places to type your first and last name, so we know who gave us the suggestion or question, your email, so we can get back to you to tell you if we'll use it, and the place to type in the actual question or suggestion! That's basically how this website works on a computer!


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